A ministry for post-college aged young adults (AKA young professionals) in Montgomery, TX in the 23-39 age bracket. This ministry is for singles or married couples looking to grow in their faith with a community of brothers and sisters in Christ in similar age and station.

Thursdays at 6:30PM

Gather: Fellowship, Worship, Prayer - Approx 10min

Each session will begin with some time to gather & meet followed by prayer and worship. We believe flesh gives birth to flesh and spirit gives birth to spirit so we want each meeting to be a spiritual work that produces spiritual fruit.

Study: Large Group Teaching - Approx 15 min

Next, an in-depth teaching of that day’s scripture will be led in the form of an inductive bible study, led by one of our teachers. This will be an exegesis of the scriptures meant to give us a broader and deeper understanding of the passage.

Share: Table-Talk Q&A - Approx 40 min

Each table will take what they’ve learned and share and reflect via group reflection questions. This is an opportunity to share what God is speaking to you and what you’re learning as we meet and study together.

Communion & Close - Approx 10 min

In response to the word, one of our pastors presides over communion and we take and eat remembering the sacrifice of Christ, his great love, and our great forgiveness.


Leader Retreat - Thursday, August 8 at 6:30PM

A time for our leadership team to gather together in prayer to seek God’s direction for the year and to pray for his blessing and empowerment of our ministry. We’ll be sharing and assigning leadership roles and responsibilities.

Friendraiser & Interest Party - Thursday August 22nd at 6:30PM

Invite your friends and ask them to invite their friends. This isn’t a fundraiser but a friendraiser - a time to gather together a community of people who want to see a Young Professionals ministry flourishing in Montgomery Texas.

KickOff - Thursday September 12th at 6:30PM

Join us for our kick-off event - a pizza party to celebrate the first ever meeting for Young Professionals of Montgomery Texas. We’ll eat, meet, worship, and dream together as we head into the year that God has for us.

Young Professionals


We’ll meet from the beginning of September to the end of May on a weekly basis. We’ll take a rest during the summer and during major holidays like Easter and Christmas.

We’ll also host compelling social events once a month like hiking, camping, service projects, BBQ, Kickball, and more.


  • Yes! Young Professionals can be a bit of a misnomer. This group is for anyone who is old enough to be finished with college and may not identify as a Young Adult but still looking for community with Christians in a similar age and station. If you're between the ages of 23 and 39, you're an ideal age for this group.

  • Yes we believe in a biblical framework of mentorship and several volunteers on our leadership team provide the experience, wisdom, stability, and leadership that comes from age! We don't expect children to lead children's ministry or teens to lead youth ministry or college students to lead college ministries and so similarly our Young Professionals leadership team has people older than the ministry participant age range.

  • The short answer is "yes." This is not a singles ministry or a "young marrieds" group. Rather this group is for both singles and married couples who are post-college aged and looking for community to grow in their faith with.

  • You do not have to be a member in order to participate in our ministry, nor do you have to live in April Sound.

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