Helping Hands

What is “Helping Hands?”

Helping Hands is the local outreach arm of April Sound Church. Our local outreach is dedicated to fulfilling the historic and traditional “works of mercy” from Christ’s teachings in Matthew 25:36-37.

35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

Through Helping Hands we focus on those 7 imperatives: (1) Feed the hungry, (2) Give drink to the thirsty, (3) Clothe the naked, (4) Shelter the homeless, (5) Care for the sick (6) Visit the Prisoner, (7) Care for the widow and the orphan*.

*The 7th area comes not from Jesus but is seen throughout scripture.

Together these form the Church’s historic works of mercy and therefore are at the heart of Helping Hands.

How do we focus on these areas?

We have several ministry partners and programs that help us to mobilize the church in caring the needs of those around us:

Helping Hands at CAC

We partner to serve at Community Assistance Center (CAC) in Conroe every Tuesday and Thursday to provide assistance for our neighbors in crisis. Currently we fund $96,000 worth of aid to residents of Montgomery County – helping to fund utilities and rent where it’s needed most.

Helping Hands at Miracle City

We partner to provide pack lunches and a hot breakfast, serving 50-70 homeless people twice a month. This team serves at Miracle City in Conroe. To get involved, contact

To find out more visit:

Hope for all in Jesus (Prison Ministry)

We partner to present Jesus Christ, and His uncompromised Word of truth to as many prisoners as possible to fulfill the Great Commission. Our volunteers minister to prisoners on site through prayer and scripture study.

Coat of Many Colors (CMC)

We partner to increase Food Distribution Services to Montgomery and beyond to ensure our community is receiving the needed nutrients to help them more effectively learn, work and thrive.


Donors at April Sound Church provide funds for bicycles and helmets to families who otherwise would never be able to afford them for their children.

Angel Tree

We partner with our local school system (Montgomery ISD) to provide Christmas for children in need. 

Salvation Army

We partner to put Thanksgiving dinner on the table of families in need in Montgomery County.

Shelves are located in both lobbies to drop off non-perishable food and other essentials for CAC, Miracle City, & CMC.

Where does the funding come from?

Our funding comes from a percentage of the weekly plate collections, individual contributions and the net proceeds from our April Sound Cares Annual Charity Event. Because of your generous donations, we gave over $100,000 in much-needed help in years past. And the need is still there! To find out more about our upcoming golf tournament click the button below!

How Can I Get Involved?

Contact and ask for more info about getting involved in any of the ministries above that interest you.
If you’d like to make a donation CLICK HERE and choose “Helping Hands.”