Areas to Serve

  • Leadership Team: Work together under the direction of the Men’s Ministry Leader to plan and execute events as well as to understand, identify, and meet the needs of the men of April Sound Church.

    Helper: Willingness and availability to support ministry needs, such as: set-up, teardown, serving, supplying, etc.

  • Connect Leader: Lead a small group and/or class under the direction of the Assistant Pastor (Pastor Kyle Clark). 

    CorGroup Leader: Lead a CorGroup in accordance with CorGroup expectations outlined in

    Weekly meetings that coincide with the Fall-Summer local public-school calendar.

  • Leadership Team: Work together under the direction of the Women’s Ministry Leader to plan and execute events as well as to understand, identify, and meet the needs of the women of April Sound Church.

    Helper: Willingness and availability to support ministry needs, such as: set-up, teardown, serving, supplying, etc.

  • Leadership Team: Work together under the direction of the YP Ministry Leader (or Assistant Pastor) to plan and execute events as well as to understand, identify, and meet the needs of the young professionals of April Sound Church.

    Helper: Willingness and availability to support ministry needs, such as: set-up, teardown, serving, supplying, etc.

  • Care Visits: Volunteers that travel to homes and hospitals to visit members, attenders, and guests affiliated with the church to pray with them, encourage them, and share their burdens. Visits should be at least 15 min at each location.

    Care Calls/Cards: Making calls or writing cards to persons who need encouragement, prayer, and recognition that their presence is missed.

    Care Communion: Delivering Communion once a month for homebound members using a Communion Care guide.

  • Greeters: Acts as a host or welcoming individual to anyone entering the worship areas of the church with an attitude of warmth, direction, and service.

    Welcome Desk: Here as the stopping place for all new attendees and guests.  These volunteers work as a welcoming committee, guides, and answering any questions about the church.

    Coffee & Donuts: A special ministry that helps set-up the coffee and donuts in the Fellowship Hall that are served in between worship services.

    Event Set Up & Tear Down: A role that helps support special church events (Weddings, funerals, fairs, etc.) set-up, teardown, or assisting during the events in whatever capacity is needed.

  • Nursery: To provide secure and nurturing care for children at Church under 2 years old that are identify as ‘crawlers’ or walkers during Sunday morning worship services.

    Sunday School: Responsible for teaching/ assisting with lessons that aligning curriculum. Here to provide a safe environment and lead activities that promote spiritual growth.

    Kids Check-In: Assists with the intake, check-in, tracking, and safety of every kid participating in a Sunday morning class or Kid’s ministry space.

    VBS/Kid’s Camp: Potentially helps with any or all areas of VBS which could include planning, set-up, crafts, teaching, crowd control, games, cleaning, and breakdown.

  • Food Prep Team Member (Miracle City): A team of dedicated caregivers committed to showing up every 1st and 3rd Monday afternoon to prepare the food that is served to the Conroe homeless population at Miracle City the following day.

    Food Serve Team Member (Miracle City): A team of dedicated caregivers committed to serving food to the Conroe homeless population that is present at Miracle City every 1st and 3rd Tuesday morning of the month.

    Angel Tree Helper: We partner with local schools through Montgomery ISD to provide Christmas gifts for children in need. 

    CAC (Community Assistance Center): Providing resources to meet basic needs and improve quality of life for our neighbors in Montgomery County.

    Prison Ministry (Hope for All in Jesus): Our volunteers minister to prisoners on site through prayer and scripture study.

  • Audio/Sound Tech: A position located in the sound booth of either services that operates the audio/ sound board.

    Screen/Lyrics Tech: A position located in the sound booth of either services that operates the slides/ lyrics on the computer linked to the display screens on stage.

    Livestream Tech: This role is assigned to the sound booth operating the live footage output that is being broadcasted for live and recorded purposes.

    Photography & Videography: A role involved in a variety of events focusing on recording memorable moments through stills and video for later church use showcasing different ministries and events.

  • Lead Vocalist: A team of singers dedicated to leading others in worship through singing.

    Choir Member: A choral arrangement on the main stage that sings together during our more traditional service.  They help set a reverent and uplifting tone to our worship of God.

    Pianist: An important role in our more traditional service that play accompaniment with the choir as they lead worship

    Instrumentalist: Depending upon the occasion or arrangement of worship, both traditional and contemporary worship use a wide range of musical instruments

  • Band Lead Vocalist: A team of singers dedicated to leading others in Worship that help in creating musical moments where people can connect with God during service

    Band Back-up Vocalist: Also included in the team of singers dedicated to leading worship but takes on a role aimed at singing harmony with or in support of a lead vocalist.

    Band Member: Depending upon the occasion or arrangement of worship, both traditional and contemporary worship use a wide range of musical instruments

  • Youth Leader: Youth Leaders connect personally with the youth, developing deeper relationships with them to create opportunities for mentorship and spiritual development.

    Youth Helper: Youth Helpers provide assistance during youth programs and events.

  • Leadership Team: Help coordinate and facilitate opportunities to serve and love our local schools, students, and faculty.

    Mentor: Participate in a weekly mentoring program through MISD’s Project Impact where you’ll be paired with a local student and share lunch once a week.

    Volunteer: Help serve at one of our events like MISD’s new teacher luncheon or Get Back To Work day.