Areas to Serve
Care Visits: Volunteers visit homes and hospitals to pray, offer encouragement, and share burdens with church members, attenders, and guests. Each visit should last at least 15 minutes.
Care Calls/Cards: Making calls or writing cards to individuals who could benefit from support, acknowledgment, and notice that their absence is noted.
Care Communion: Providing Communion monthly to homebound members following the Communion Care guide.
Care Meals/ Cookies: Providing meals to associates who request a meal train from the church or participating in the "4 Love and Cookies" team that makes and delivers cookies to individuals on the church's prayer list.
Food Prep Team Member (Miracle City): A team of caregivers prepares food for the Conroe homeless population every 1st and 3rd Monday afternoon, served at Miracle City the next day.
Food Serve Team Member (Miracle City): A team of dedicated caregivers is committed to serving food to the homeless population in Conroe at Miracle City on the first and third Tuesday mornings of each month.
Angel Tree Helper: We collaborate with local schools through Montgomery ISD to provide Christmas gifts for children in need.
CAC (Community Assistance Center): Offering resources to address basic needs and enhance the quality of life for residents in Montgomery County.
Prison Ministry (Hope for All in Jesus): Teaching and assisting prisoners on site through discussions and support sessions.
Christmas Bicycles: The distribution of bicycles and helmets donated by April Sound Church supports families who would otherwise be unable to afford these items for their children.
Greeters: Welcomes members and visitors to the church with warmth and guidance.
Welcome Desk: This is the welcome area for new attendees and guests. Volunteers here greet, guide, and answer questions about the church.
Coffee & Donuts: A ministry that sets up coffee and donuts in the Fellowship Hall between worship services.
Event Set Up & Tear Down: A role that supports church events like weddings, funerals, and fairs by setting up, tearing down, or assisting as needed.
Nursery: To provide secure and nurturing care for children under 2 years old at Church who are identified as 'crawlers' or walkers during Sunday morning worship services.
Sunday School: Responsible for teaching and assisting with lessons that align with the curriculum. Provides a safe environment and leads activities that support personal development.
Kids Check-In: Helps with intake, check-in, tracking, and safety of kids in Sunday classes or Kid's ministry.
VBS/Kid’s Camp: Assists with various aspects of Vacation Bible School (VBS), including planning, set-up, crafts, teaching, crowd control, games, cleaning, and breakdown.
Leadership Team: Collaborate with the Men’s Ministry Leader to plan and execute events, as well as to understand, identify, and address the needs of the men of April Sound Church.
Helper: Willing and available to support ministry needs, including setup, teardown, serving, and supplying.
Leadership Team: Help coordinate and facilitate opportunities to support our local schools, students, and faculty.
Mentor: Join MISD’s Project Impact to mentor a local student and share lunch weekly.
Volunteer: Please consider volunteering at one of our events, such as the MISD New Teacher Luncheon or the Get Back to Workday.
Prayer Team Leader: This volunteer serves as a prayer partner during Sunday services and assists the prayer leader with other prayer ministry events.
Connect Leader: Conduct a small group or class as directed by the Assistant Pastor (Pastor Kyle Clark).
CorGroup Leader: Lead a CorGroup following guidelines at CorGroups.com.
Hold weekly meetings that match the Fall-Summer public-school calendar.
Weekly meetings coincide with the Fall-Summer local public-school calendar.
Audio/Sound Tech: A role in the sound booth that operates the audio board during services.
Screen/Lyrics Tech: This position is situated in the sound booth during each service, responsible for operating the slides and lyrics on the computer connected to the display screens on stage.
Livestream Tech: This position is responsible for managing the sound booth and overseeing the live footage output that is broadcasted both for live viewing and recording purposes.
Photography & Videography: A role responsible for recording events through still images and video for later use by the church, highlighting various ministries and activities.
Leadership Team: Collaborate with the Women's Ministry Leader to plan events and address the needs of the women at April Sound Church.
Helper: A readiness and availability to assist with ministry requirements, which may include set-up, teardown, serving, providing supplies, and other related tasks.
Lead Vocalist: A group of singers focused on guiding others in musical performance.
Choir Member: A choral arrangement on the main stage performs during our traditional service. They contribute to setting a respectful and uplifting atmosphere for the worship service.
Pianist: An important aspect of our traditional service is providing accompaniment for the choir during worship.
Instrumentalist: Both traditional and contemporary worship use various musical instruments depending on the occasion.
Band Lead Vocalist: A team of singers leads worship and creates musical moments for people to connect with God during service.
Band Back-up Vocalist: This singer joins the worship team to provide harmony and support for the lead vocalist.
Band Member: Both traditional and contemporary worship involve various musical instruments, depending on the occasion.
Youth Leader: Youth Leaders interact with the youth, forming relationships to provide opportunities for mentorship and personal development.
Youth Helper: Youth Helpers assist with youth programs and events.