Pray First Fridays
First Friday of every month at 6PM
Join Us for
Pray First Fridays
First Friday of every month at 6PM, starting in September.
Join us for Pray First Fridays, a church-wide prayer meeting held on the first Friday of each month. Gather with us as we come together in prayer, seeking God’s guidance and blessing for our community and beyond.
We believe the spiritual life is impossible without prayer and that prayer is a powerful work that we’re called to. Jesus said, “flesh gives birth to flesh but spirit gives birth to spirit.” We’re not interested in doing a work out of our own strength that bears the fruit of human effort. Instead, we want all of our ministries to be a work of the Spirit that bears spiritual fruit - that means, we need to Pray First!
What to Expect:
At Pray First, we’ll have three prayer stations in the sanctuary.
The main prayer station will be taking place in a large group gathering in the pews - a time of intercession through large group guided prayer. This time of guided prayer will be prepared ahead of time with thoughtful and intentional needs from our church, community, and current events.
Prayer Partners:
Happening at the same time and in the same room, will be a secondary station of prayer partners who will be available to hear your prayer needs and pray for you specific requests. This is a great opportunity for people to share their need and be prayed over.
Prayer Requests Station:
The back wall of the sanctuary will be a third station where people can write requests and add them to the prayer wall. You’ll be able to see others’ requests and pray for these as well. When the night is over, members can take prayer cards home and continue to pray over these requests.