My Sound Church
Thriving Members = Thriving Church
Membership Class
We’re excited to have you consider April Sound Church as your church home. Our “My Sound Church” Membership Class is the place to go to hear about what we believe, where we’ve come from, where we are, and where we’re headed. You’ll also hear about the vital role that membership plays and what we can do together to help our church thrive.
Here’s what you can expect:
Light refreshments
An opportunity to get to know others
Teaching about Why Membership Matters, Our Heart, Our Beliefs, Our Mission, Our Strategy, Our Expectations for New Members and more.
A Membership Handbook for future reference
A chance to get to know staff & Ministry Leaders
A look at all of our service opportunities
After the class, upon filling out your membership form (if you decide to do so) you will be contacted by April Sound Church to affirm your membership or to provide the necessary next steps toward membership.
Membership classes typically happen the last Sunday of every month. Feel free to contact to RSVP or to find out when our next one meets!