April Sound Cares


September 20 & 21


April Sound’s premier annual fundraising event is held every Fall—a multi-activity event. Enjoy a Texas BBQ dinner with us and/or join in several tournaments: golf, tennis, and pickleball. Every opportunity to participate will be for a meaningful cause as we raise money for individuals in need. All funds raised will go to support April Sound Church’s Helping Hands Foundation and April Sound Country Club’s Employee Care Foundation - with the primary recipient being Helping Hands.


Get Involved:

Texas BBQ


Price: $50 per person

We are planning a fun and relaxed evening with a delicious BBQ fundraising dinner. Join the April Sound Community as we gather to support people in need in our community. Guests will also enjoy musical entertainment and have the chance to participate in many opportunities to raise funds for those in need including the Silent Auction, Live Auction, and a Raffle.

Golf Tournament
Charity Classic


Price: $125 per player | $500 per team

Join us for an afternoon of golfing and fellowship on September 21. This tournament is a four-person scramble with a 1PM shotgun start. Each golfer is invited to stay after the round for a cookout on the back patio. Mulligans and drink tickets are available for purchase on the day of registration. The first 40 golfers to register receive a complimentary mulligan and drink ticket as an early-bird special.

Racquet Sports


Price: $40 per player | $80 per team

We are inviting all our pickleball and tennis enthusiasts to join us for the first-ever April Sound Cares Annual Charity Racquet Sports Tournament! Sign up to play either pickleball or tennis as a pair. Each player will receive a registration gift and dinner the same day on the Club’s back patio with their entry. The first 20 registered players receive a complimentary drink ticket as an early-bird special.

Become a Sponsor:


Community Champion


  • Premium Table of 10 at the Dinner (can be gifted on the sponsor's behalf)

  • VIP Parking

  • VIP Gift Basket

  • Priority spotlight by emcee at each main event (Dinner, Golf, Pickleball, Tennis)

  • Event Giveaway of company product/service

  • Includes one Exclusive Hole Sponsorship

  • Includes one Table Sponsorship

  • 2 Team Registrations (8 total players) for Golf (can be gifted on the sponsor’s behalf)

  • Distinguished promotion as the Title Sponsor on all communications

  • Distinguished placement on tables and print/digital signage

  • Social media spotlight

  • Event fliers

  • Event website

  • Event emails

Life Changer


  • Exclusive table of 10 at the dinner (can be gifted on the sponsor's behalf)

  • VIP Parking

  • VIP Gift Basket

  • Recognition by event emcee at each main event (Dinner, Golf, Pickleball, Tennis)

  • Event Giveaway of company product/service

  • Includes one Exclusive Hole Sponsorship

  • Team registration (4 golfers) for Golf (can be gifted on the sponsor's behalf)

  • Prominent promotion as Life Changer Sponsor Tier

  • Prominent placement on tables and print/digital signage

  • Social media highlight

  • Event fliers

  • Event website

  • Event emails

Hope Giver


  • VIP gift basket

  • Acknowledgement by event emcee at each main event (Dinner, Golf, Pickleball, Tennis)

  • Team registration (4 golfers) for Golf (can be donated on behalf of your company)

  • Celebrated promotion as Hope Giver Sponsor Tier

  • Celebrated placement on tables and print/digital signage

  • Social media recognition

  • Event fliers

  • Event website

  • Event emails

Faithful Stewards


  • One Table of 10 at the Dinner
    (Can be gifted on sponsor’s behalf)

  • Event website

  • Social Media acknowledgement

Honored Supporter


  • Logo on event website

  • Social media acknowledgement

Special Opportunities

Pin Flag Sponsor


All eyes will be on your brand! Pin flags are the focal point of the hole and get your brand in front of every single golfer. This premium sponsorship includes your logo and/or messaging on 18 high-quality pin flags on the golf course the day of the tournament.



Sponsor a court with a 3’ x 6’ banner on both ends of your sponsored court. Includes two tickets to the Racquet Sports Tournament.

$20k Hole in One Sponsor


Be part of a tournament favorite by sponsoring a hole-in-one contest! Get broad recognition and buzz around your brand at the event’s most exciting holes. Contest prizes include a cash prize of $20,000, a one year membership to Dormie Network, and $5,000 in club credit.

Hole Sponsor


Sponsor a hole during the golf tournament with a sign with your name or band on it.

About Helping Hands

Helping Hands is a ministry founded by members of April Sound Church in the 1980s. In 2008, it officially became a 501(c)(3) charity named Foundation for Lake Conroe Helping Hands, which is currently the outreach arm of April Sound Church for local missions. Local missions include the Community Assistance Center (people in crisis), Miracle City (the homeless), Hope for all in Jesus (prison ministry), Coat of Many Colors (food pantry), and other ongoing needs. Our local outreach is dedicated to fulfilling the historic and traditional “works of mercy” from Christ’s teachings in Matthew 25:36-37:

35 For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger, and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes, and you clothed me, I was sick, and you looked after me, I was in prison, and you came to visit me.”

Through Helping Hands, we focus on those 7 imperatives: (1) Feed the hungry, (2) Give drink to the thirsty, (3) Clothe the naked, (4) Shelter the homeless, (5) Care of the sick, (6) Visit the Prisoner, (7) Care for the widow and the orphan. Together, these form the Church’s historic works of mercy and, therefore, are at the heart of Helping Hands.

For more information, please call/text Wendy Wilbur @ 281-733-9806 or email her at helpinghands@soundchurchtx.com