7AM Easter Sunrise at the Club
April Sound Country Club
1000 April Sound Blvd, Montgomery, TX 77356
Open to All
He is Risen!
Come together with hundreds from our community as we celebrate the risen Christ together this Easter. We will worship through classic Easter hymns, contemporary praise, and rich traditional liturgy. Join us on the balcony, patio, or in your golf cart as the sun rises and reminds us of the dawning of incredible hope and victory that comes from the Resurrection of Jesus.
Sunday, April 20th 7AM
Around the backside of April Sound Country Club, overlooking the lake.
1000 April Sound Blvd
Montgomery, TX 77356
There is plenty of parking at the parking lot of the country club. After parking, walk between the pool and the country club building to get to the rear side. Some guests choose to drive their golf carts all the way to the backside of the club.
April Sound Church will provide a blend of worship music - both traditional classic hymns and modern worship songs for this family friendly, multigenerational Easter Celebration. Our Lead Pastor will preach an engaging and biblically sound message on the resurrection of Jesus as we celebrate this Holy and significant day together.
Everybody is welcome! This event is open to everyone.
Brunch will be available after the service. Call the Club directly (936)588-1101 to make your reservation.
Sunrise Service too early? Join us at 9AM for our traditional service or 10:30AM for our contemporary service at April Sound Church.
There will be an Easter Egg Hunt for our kids ministry at 11:45AM following the 10:30AM Service.
Click HERE to find out more.