Prayer Ministry
Prayer Ministry
Three Ways to get Involved
Join the Prayer Team by becoming a Prayer Partner. Prayer Partners are available each Sunday after the message to hear requests and offer intercessory prayer over those requesting prayer and their concerns. Prayer Partners will also have occasional opportunities to pray over spaces, pray before and during events, and to do prayer walks or gatherings off location.
To get involved email office@soundchurchtx.com
Prayer Partners
Pray First Fridays
The first Friday of every month at 6PM is a large church prayer gathering taking place in our sanctuary. We’ll have a main prayer station as well as two secondary stations available to experience prayer in several different ways. Check out Pray First Fridays for more information.
Prayer Chain Email
Sign up for our prayer chain email so that you can receive updates about urgent prayer needs for members of our congregation as they come. Click below to get added to the list to get started.