Holy Week Events
Palm Sunday | April 13
9AM: Choir, Youth, & Kids Processional,
& Palm Crosses
10:30AM: Youth Greeters, Kids Processional,
& Palm Crosses
Join us as we celebrate Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem,
riding on a donkey, greeted with excitement, praise, and anticipation. He is King!
Maundy Thur. | April 17
7PM Communion Service in the Sanctuary
Maundy Thursday is a time where we intentionally reflect on Christ’s "mandate” at the Last Supper to love one another as He has loved us. Join us for communion on this special and sacred day of the Church calendar. We’ll have a blended service with both worship teams.
Good Friday | April 18
7PM Service reflecting on Christ's death, in the Worship Center.
In 1 Corinthians 2:2 Paul says, “For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.” The Crucifixion of Christ is one of the most pivotal and significant events in Scripture and world history. Like Paul, we want to set aside time where we focus on the cross of Christ and meditate on His sacrifice for our sins.
Easter Sunday
7AM Easter Sunrise Service at the Club
Join us for our 7AM sunrise service time at April Sound Country Club back patio for a service overlooking the lake.
9AM Service in the Sanctuary with Easter Choir
Join us for our 9AM service time in the sanctuary for a beautiful service with rich Easter liturgy.
Nursery and Kids Ministry available.
10:30AM Service in the Worship Center
Join us for our 10:30AM contemporary Easter worship service in the Worship Center
Nursery and Kids Ministry available.
11:45AM Egg Hunt
Following the 10:30AM service there will be a kids ministry Egg Hunt at the playground behind the church.